Monday, February 24, 2014

Sex: The Go to Sin for the Church

Why is sex often the go to sin for the church? Is it because for many people it is what they are hung up on and don't feel free enough to discuss? Is it easier to just label and blaspheme someone who dares to venture into sexual waters that you don't agree with?

Why is sex the bigger sin? What about people who judge people for sexual preference while they fudge a business deal during the week to aid their bottom line?  Is that a pretty big deal or just a little white lie as Forrest Gump's mama said?

What about if your neighbor is hungry and you have food overflowing in your house? You drive past them on the way to church.

I have heard some interesting conversations lately and a great example yesterday by Pastor Steve. Are you going to go Old Testament on someone over sex, or anything else for that matter? People already know where they are at. He spoke of setting God's love free. Lavish people with love and see what occurs. Let God worry about the rest. Just love them. Wow what a concept. I am telling you that if the church did that I believe the buildings would be overflowing everywhere.

I lived in darkness for most of my life and I knew it. Someone telling me what I already knew was of no help and if anything pushed me further away. But authentic people reaching out to me with the love of God, now that spoke to me.  The most spiritual man I ever knew was Horace Hilton. He knew my lifestyle and while he did not agree with it never once was I judged. He offered love and with it hope. He granted me an open door to his home. He came to see me whenever my Mom asked him too. He prayed for me when I was in his presence and when I was not. He believed in the good in me when I did not. Wow what a gift that is. Steve used one of my favorite words at the conclusion of the service yesterday...encourage. Now that is a word for all of us to grasp and liberally dish out. Let's face it. Life is difficult. Everybody has stuff they are dealing with. If we can be honest with our heart and not be afraid to look inside and uh oh be wrong. We will be humbled by our shortcomings. I sure have many but one I don't have and by the grace of God I never will is to walk arrogantly with our Lord. I wrote an earlier blog about The Path and how I viewed it. Safe to say if I begin to walk arrogantly that is when I have stumbled off the path and I am in the brier patch. And on another note let's be real careful about saying I would not do this or that when you have not had the life experience to even be confronted with such an occurrence. Pride does indeed go before the fall.

Choose to live with an honest heart and one thing I can assure you is you will be humbled. I am there right now. My last blog was Pressing In. I wanted to do better when obstacles emerged. No sooner than that blog was out it has been one obstacle after another and I have failed miserably. My wife has not. She has stood in her faith which exceeds mine.

Do you think Jesus is giving up on me right now? Is He judging me for doubting, for questioning where He is  when I need Him to move? Should I just believe the lie of the enemy that I am just not good enough. That things will not change.

The Old Testament judging leads people to think they don't measure up even after they have been set free by Jesus Christ. They are not good enough because they did this or that. Guilt is a powerful tool of darkness. Why not model how we view things as how Jesus did them? Wow, what a concept.

The woman at the well. Did Jesus judge her or offer her hope? Mary Magdalene appears to have had a checkered past. Did Jesus set her completely free? All sins eradicated. Do we really believe that?

I told a minister once after his ridiculous sermon on sex that I did not care if a woman was a prostitute on Front Street. The moment she turned to Jesus and accepted him fully into her heart she is pure.

Do we believe that? Not with our words but our heart.   Do we?

I do.........

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